How to naturally grow hair

In this article: Make Natural Remedies Bring Changes to Your Diet Care for Your Hair. Children's dysfunction is common among men and women, and many people use chemicals, hair plugs and even surgery to solve this problem. If you want to find ways to naturally grow your hair, you can do this by using scalp massage, beneficial oil and a little change in your diet, and by adopting some cheaper treatments without chemicals. To prevent your hair from falling, it is very important to take good care of hair and it is a great way to make hair thick.

Method 1

Natural remedy


Massage scalp daily: Massage of scalp helps in all the circulation of circulation around the hair, in the folicles, and the right conditions are created to grow hair. Massage the scalp with your fingers folding the spherical hair. Take the time to massage every part of the scalp, so to grow new hair you need to increase blood flow all over the scalp.
Whenever you wash your hair, then apply the habit of massaging your scalp.
You can learn to massage with a professional, so that you can massage your scalp better.


Make oil massage: Massaging oil massage rather than ordinary massage helps in getting blood flow well. Oil fissures open from the oil and helps to grow new hair. Intend to massage your scalp oil once or twice a week. Oil massage of scalp is easy to do before washing the hair, because doing this results in the removal of the oil applied to hair while washing hair. Below are some of the popular oils you can use for oil massage:
Coconut oil This valuable and relaxing oil is beneficial for your body in many ways, and some people say that it also helps in growing new hair. Take a tablespoon of coconut oil and keep it on your palm. The heat of your hand will melt the oil and then massage it with your fingers on the scalp.
Jojoba oil. This oil is like the natural sago oil made in our scalp which keeps your hair smooth and healthy.
Badam oil. Traditionally, this oil is used in our India country to grow healthy hair.


Use therapeutic hair masks: A good hair-mask has two advantages, one in giving moisture to hair and keeping the hair healthy and thickening them. Honey, white part of egg, avocodo, aloe (apple) and apple cider vinegar are some of the household items that are beneficial for hair. Cover the entire scalp with a full hair for 15 minutes, apply masks, then shampoo your hair as usual. Use the hair mask below.
For very dry hair, add honey, white part of the egg and argon oil in equal amounts.
For ordinary hair, mix honey, aloe and olive oil in equal amounts.
Combine honey, apple cider vinegar, and castor oil in the same amount for oily hair.


Use Essential Oil: It is said that some such oils increase blood flow and make hair thick. Adding a few drops of these oils in your oil treatments, masks and shampoo will help keep your scalp healthy. Use 5 drops of one of the few oil from the essential oils in Oil Treatment, Mask and Shampoo, and use it:
Tea Tree Oil
Cedar wood
Rosemary oil
Argon oil
Coconut oil


Do not use shampoo containing sulphate and rustic materials: Shampoo commercially produced use sulphate for main cleaning. Sulfate removes natural oil from hair and makes hair dry and delicate. It causes hair to fall and breaks. When you use gentle, natural shampoo, your hair gets a chance to become healthy and strong. Leave the shampoo containing the sulphate for the gentle shampoo and you will see the results within a few weeks.


Be sure to treat the basic diseases: Sometimes the problem of hair fall may also be due to the problem of basic disease, which you are not aware of. It is not possible to grow new hair until you get treatment under these conditions. If you do not know the reason for your hair fall, then you must consult the doctor. The following conditions may cause your hair to fall:
Thyroid problem
Hormonal imbalances
Method 2

Make changes to your diet


Eat protein rich foods: Protein is a key element to strengthen hair. Protein-rich foods help your hair grow faster. Keep in mind that you will have to take the amount of protein you have to eat every day.
Protein-rich foods include egg, meat, walnuts, legumes and green vegetables.
Vegan and vegetarian people take low protein intake compared to non-vegetarian people. Because they have fewer choices for protein doses. So if you are vegan and vegetarian, give special attention to the amount of protein in your diet and make sure that you are consuming protein according to the need.
If you take the protein with complex carbs then it will be more beneficial. [1]


Add more omega 3 fatty acids to your diet: It is very important to grow healthy fat hair. With its deficiency, your hair starts to look stale and lifeless. So add more and more such things to your diet that contain omega 3 fatty acids in good quantity.
Avocado, nut and fat fish like salmon, this is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids.
To increase omega-3 fatty acids in your diet, use oils or linseed oils in your diet in your diet.


Take a botin supplement: Vitamin B in the biotin supplement, which keeps your hair healthy. Vitamin B12 is especially important when you want to grow your hair again. Consider taking a biotin supplement every day so that you get the right amount of vitamin B. Vitamin B is present in prenatal supplement.
You can get daily vitamin D supplements from meat, fatty fish and other food products from other animals.
Vegan and just vegetarians are difficult to get enough vitamin B-12, so if you are a vegan or vegetarian, consider taking a Vitamin B-12 supplement.


Eat iron rich food: When you do not take enough amounts of iron food, then your body can make only a few red blood cells, which can cause you to have anemia. Hair loss with other symptoms may also be due to anemia. Eat foods rich in green vegetables, red meat and iron to increase the amount of iron in your diet. And besides, you can also meet Iron's requirement with iron supplements.
If you think you are anemic then immediately contact your doctor. In some cases it is advisable to take iron supplements, but sometimes these supplements may require treatment as well.


Maintain the amount of water in the body: Do you know, drinking water can make your hair bright and healthy? Like the rest of the body, your hair can also be affected by the lack of water. Drink plenty of water every day. If you are thirsty then drink water and try drinking water instead of coffee, soda and alcohol as much as possible.
Method 3

Take care of your hair


Do not wash your hair every day: When you wash your hair every day, hair loss of folicles. And scalp also produces naturally prepared nutritious oil and with this, when you wash hair, dry and comb, then your hair gets stretched. When your goal is to increase the hair, take good care of your hair and head and prevent it from stretching as much as possible.
According to the beauty expert, washing hair three times or less a week, it is good for hair.
Use dry shampoo in those days when you are not washing hair. Dry shampoo is a type of powdered shampoo, which by sprinkling on hair, combing makes the hair look beautiful, clean and also brings fresh smell of hair.


Use the comb to replace the brush to solve the hair: When your hair gets dusty, then by using a large toothbrush using the comfort of the upper hand, resolve from the bottom to the top of the hair, from the tip of the hair to the roots. When you use the brush to fix the hairs, then pull the hair with a shock, meaning that you damage your hair from the roots to the end, and this causes hair loss, breaks down and two Mouth become hair too.
Be especially careful when your hair is wet, because due to the moisture present in the hair and it is dragged to pull the hair, it is easily broken.
If the thick and curly hair is your hair, then you should use the same wide teeth comb. If your hair is very curly, do not comb your excess.


Do not use the hot air of the hairdryer on your hair: The hot air of the dryer directly damages the hair as well. Even if you adopt an object that protects from hot air, then your hair is damaged due to the hot air of hairdryer, curling iron and straightening iron. Therefore, use hot air appliances while on a particular occasion. Otherwise, without these tools, you can dry your hair in natural air and make a custom style.


Trim hair but not always: When you are thinking about growing your hair again, repeated trimming will not solve your problem. But yes, if you are triming your two mouth hair once in a few months then it is fine, but all are doing this to create a new style, then you are harming your hair yourself. Hairstyles are used to cut hair, apart from using hot air appliances, and for different production hair, the hair gets worse rather than hair growth. Daily massage, treatment with oil or masks are good ways to enhance hair, if you do not want to do all this, do not make any treatments, the hair will start growing automatically.
When you go to haircut, keep in mind that the blower should not be used. And also see if your hair stylist is using wide-tooth comb to make hair after washing hair, or not. Let them refuse to use the brush for hair.


Do not have hair extensions and other harmful hair styles: Hair extensions can prove to be dangerous for your hair and skin. Hair pressure is broken due to the pressure of the extension and sometimes there is a possibility of baldness in many parts of the scalp. When you are thinking of growing more hair, do it in a natural way. Hair extensions, chemical sharpening, bleaching and dyeing cause harm to the hair, and these things will not help in growing the hair again.
Try to make such hair styles in which you look good and do not need to harm the hair too.
If you want to dry your hair properly, use natural dye such as Hina Dye (henna) as it will not harm your hair and also nourish hair.


Be careful when using wigs or hairpieces: While wearing wig or hairs to hide thin hair is a good idea, but all these things are harmful to your scalp as well as blood circulation. Obstructions. [2]
Use professional to fit your wig.
Use such a wig which does not interrupt blood circulation.
Do not use hairpieces made from things that irretite your scalp.
Wear your wig or hairpiece as much as you need.


Use of Silk Pillows: The use of silk pillow cover prevents your hair from engaging, and maintains natural oil and moisture. [3]
Take good sleep and reduce stress. Many times the hair is also due to just a short sleep and excessive stress.
Do not use brush in wet hair. Wet hair is shiny and brushing them in is easily broken.
The measures adopted to prevent hair fall vary from one person to another. If an idea shows any effect on anyone, then it is not necessary that the other person will have the same effect on him. And so, if you want to buy any product related to hair, then make sure that the product is guaranteed and your money will be recovered if required.
Exercise and meditate to reduce stress. Walk out or walk.