4 Tips To Get A Flat Stomach

Lemon juice has citric acid, which helps the enzymes to function better. It also stimulates the liver and aids in detoxification.
 everybody is obsessed with the way they look. With the world getting vainer by the minute, people are more aware of their "flaws" and are beyond motivated towards working on them.
One of the main things which people desire is a flat stomach - a flat toned stomach to be able to show off on that beach holiday or to wear a tight dress or even just generally feel good about yourself.
A bulging stomach to weight on one's stomach is also what majority of the people are conscious about. This is probably because the weight is evident and nowhere to run from it. Its also because people feel uncomfortable in their own skin.
Either way, here are some healthy and sane tips (both fitness and diet) to help you get that flat stomach. While these tips aren't magic wands, by continuously following them, they will greatly aid you in your quest of getting a flat toned stomach.
#1 Warm Water and Lemon in the Morning

Before you eat or drink anything as you wake up in the morning, the first thing to have should be warm water with lemon. The lemon acts as a detoxifying agent, thus detoxifying your entire body before anything goes into it and thus acting on food consumed the previous day. This also helps in digestion.
The warm water mixed with lemon also increases your metabolic rate. Therefore, the food you consumed is converted into energy and not fat. It also helps the liver in flushing out any toxins which were consumed. Thus it aids digestion, increases the metabolic rate and cleanses the body of any toxins. Apart from this, it also is an effective Vitamin C agent and fights against a cough or a cold, along with increasing immunity. It has multiple benefits apart from working towards getting you that flat stomach.