7 unusual and surprising things that can boost your sex life, validated by research

Food, exercise and other lifestyle factors have been known to impact sex life. But here are some other things you can do to boost your libido, according to research.

You may have heard about how certainlibido-boosting foods or aphrodisiacsand even kegel exercises that can do wonders to your sex life. You may also be aware of how good health, in general, ensures good sex life. Here are some unusual and slightly weird ways to ensure you have a top-notch sex life, validated by research.
Travel more: A study conducted in Britain suggests that travelling could actually improve your health, help to lose weight, gain confidence, feel younger and even increase sex drive. The survey conducted by the travel portal Expedia claimed that more than one million respondents said that travelling increased their sex drive. The study noted that this is likely due in part to an increase in body confidence and improved mood, which makes them more predisposed for closeness. Travelling can help reduce the levels of the stress hormone cortisol. As stress and anxiety decrease, mood increases bringing many, often unexpected, positive benefits in how we perceive ourselves, motivation and productivity, and our general outlook on life, Linda Papadopoulos, who worked with Expedia on the study, said in a statement.
Let your feelings out: A Canadian research revealed that just letting your feelings out without ambivalence may be a major booster to your sex life The more ambivalent you are, the less you are able to communicate your emotions satisfactorily, and the more you are likely to be uncomfortable with your partner, said Nayla Awada, a doctoral candidate in psychology at the Universite de Montreal in Canada. According to the study, couples who regulated their emotions together in a satisfactory manner were more fulfilled sexually, psychologically, and relationally.
Sleep for one more hour: Women should sleep for an extra one hour than usual to experience an enhanced sexual desire next day, said a study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine. Each additional hour of sleep increased the likelihood of sexual activity with a partner by 14 per cent and lowered problems related to vaginal arousal than women who obtained less sleep. Insufficient sleep can decrease sexual desire and arousal for women, said David Kalmbach, researcher at the University of Michigan s sleep and circadian research laboratory. Sufficient sleep will act positively a woman s desire for sex and also the quality of intercourse through better genital arousal, he added.
Believe that sexual satisfaction will be achieved only after hard work and effort : Don t expect sexual satisfaction to simply happen, says a study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Ssexpectations the need to work on sexual growth or rely on sexual destiny are so powerful they can either sustain otherwise healthy relationships or undermine them. According to the research carried out by the University of Toronto, people who believe in sexual growth not only believe they can work on their sexual problems, but they are not letting it affect their relationship satisfaction.
Be in love: Being in love and commitment can make sex physically more satisfying for many women, notes a study. In our study, women said that they connected love with sex and that love actually enhanced the physical experience of sex, said Beth Montemurro, associate professor of sociology from Penn State Abington. In the study, most women said they believed love was necessary for maximum satisfaction in both sexual relationships and marriage.
Most of the women in the study said that love made sex physically more pleasurable. Women who loved their sexual partners also said they felt less inhibited to explore their sexuality.
Get more sunshine: Men wishing to acquire a higher sex drive can benefit by exposing their body to the sun s rays, as a study by Austrian scientists has found sunshine increases level of male sex hormone testosterone. According to the study at the Medical University of Graz, Austria, men with high blood vitamin D levels have significantly higher testosterone levels than men with less vitamin D.
Women, have more male friends: An interesting study revealed that women who have more male friends indulge in a lot more carnal activity with their partners than couples where the female has fewer male friends, says a new study. This is because men perceive male friends in the lives of their female partners as sex rivals . This is human nature. We need to be reminded that our partner is valuable to us and desirable to others. This makes us keep working at maintaining relationship satisfaction, said lead researcher Michael Pham from the Oakland University in the US. Men who said their partners attracted a lot of male attention were associated with having more sex with them, the study published in the Journal of Comparative Psychology said. Men are sexually aroused by their partner when they estimate a greater likelihood of partner infidelity, according to Pham.