HealthBytes: 5 Indian foods to help you lose weight

Weight loss isn't about sacrificing meals or fasting. In fact, these practices might turn out to be health-defying.
Rather, one should aim for three healthy meals each day, and regular, healthy snacking, even while attempting to lose weight.
Good news is that there are lots of healthy Indian meal options to choose from.
Here are 5 healthy Indian foods to help you lose weight.
Light yet filling, dalia is your go-to weight loss food
Dalia is the go-to Indian food for those looking to shed extra kilos because it's lightweight, easily digestible, and contains a high amount of fiber.
Further, it contains several essential nutrients like protein, magnesium, potassium, and iron.
Apart from contributing to weight loss, dalia also offers an array of other health benefits, like improving heart health, preventing constipation, and boosting metabolism.
 lose weight
Plenty of protein, vitamins and minerals in one bowl
Dal (pulses) is one of the most common Indian foods, and the good part is, it's amazingly healthy.
There's very little fat, and generous amounts of protein in all types of dal.
With so much goodness in just one serving of dal, it is an all-time favorite for people looking to lose weight and add muscle mass.
Eat with rotis to aid weight-loss.
An all-time favorite for helping in weight loss
Khichdi is an all-time favorite Indian food.

It's often given to the sick, for its great healing and health-boosting properties.
A wholesome, filling, yet light-weight meal, khichdi makes for a great meal option for everybody.
With just one serving of khichdi, you'll get plenty of carbohydrates, proteins, dietary fiber, Vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, and potassium for the entire day.
Nutritious and filling Upma will help you lose belly fat

The best part about upma, as a meal option, is that you can add anything you desire to it, be it veggies, dry-fruits, lentils, curry leaves.
This makes it a great meal that is both packed with nutritious goodness, and is a tasty delight.
Have it for the many health benefits of suji/rava like energy boost, filling ability, and great heart health.
One of the most loved Indian breakfast options
Given the ease of making it, poha is a vastly popular breakfast option.
But what makes poha an impeccable meal is its list of health benefits as it has healthy carbohydrates, is rich in iron, and can be easily digested.
Being low-calorie, poha gives nutritious value without giving you unwanted fats.

Add a lot of veggies too, to augment its nutritious capacity.