Just brush these things in the brush and brush them with dirty teeth like milk like white

Friends Many people also use many expensive beauty products for the beauty of their face, but perhaps those people do not know that with the beauty of the face, the tooth should be clean and white. Because at the time of talking or while laughing, our teeth begin to appear and if the tooth is yellow or dirty then we start feeling ashamed in front of other people.

Friends, many people's teeth become yellow due to the consumption of tobacco and many people do not clean their teeth every day. Because of this, their teeth become yellow and dirty. Many people also use different toothpaste for their pimples and to clean dirt. But those toothpastes do not even have a special advantage, so today we are going to tell you about such a prescription. You can also use your teeth to clean and white.

Friends, to prepare the prescription that we are going to tell you today, you will need 2 things and those 2 things are baking soda and lemon. If you also want to clean your teeth, then mix some 5-6 drops of lemon juice in a little baking soda and then brush that paste with Colgate. By doing so daily for 7 days you will get rid of dirty and yellow teeth.

Do this at the beginning of the morning, these 3 work, without makeup, it will also be beautiful

Today, all people want to look beautiful, whether it be boys or girls, but due to polluted environment and poor lifestyle, our skin goes to lose its natural glow and beauty, but if you make a slight change in your daily routine You can make yourself very beautiful, today we are going to tell you about three such things, to whom your skin will become beautiful and shiny.

If you have a warm water in the morning, you can drink a glass of water if it is lukewarm, it gives even better results, it does not only enhance your skin, but your weight remains perfect and the figure remains perfect.

Take a pinch of turmeric in a spoonful of raw milk before bathing, then massage your face slowly with this mixture, and then clean the mouth with fresh water, by doing regular regimen, your face shines.

The last thing you need to do while bathing is to take a lemon juice in bath water, then take a bath with this water, lemon contains antioxidant properties, so that the color of the whole body skin disappears.

So if you are also troubled by any health problem, then please tell us in the comments box.