These Are the Most Important Facts About Life in Japan

The Internet is burdened with various realities around Japan, so it's hard to be dazed with regard to their devices, engineering and design. We as a whole are thinking about Japanese precision, difficult work attitude, creatures and square watermelons. In any case, there are even more subtle things that can confuse even the greatest devotees of Japanese culture. For example, do you know what a "murder room" is? Or on the other hand, there is a bookstore that offers only one book?

People who disappear

There is no more regret for the Japanese person than the loss of social attention. Passed exams, lost occupation, separation and obligation are only part of the disappointment that the individuals themselves have expelled themselves and their families for their misfortunes.

Otaku as the exit

Another method of disappearing, this is the mainstream among young people in Japan, lives as a father. Otaku is a man who leads a double life as his favorite anime figure.

Renting loved ones

Money will most likely be able to buy love, but in Japan, without a doubt, it can buy the presence of love. You can get an artist's artist who turns into what the client requires to be. You can even rent a baby in a few days - there are organizations that will excite them excitingly.

Cities behind the walls

No, these are not pictures from the film, The Pacific, where the walls are made to protect individuals from the beasts that appear from the foothills of the sea. It's technology for Japan.

Forgiveness agencies

It's hard to apologize, and a large number of people may want to keep the strategic distance away from him completely if possible.

Rooms for boredom

The workers whose positions were evacuated are normally interrupted. Reduction covers in Japan, wherever possible, completely different from those we used and as a rule, they are largely unfavorable to firms.

Cuddle for money

The issue of depression is clearly prevalent in Japan. This is the reason why Japanese individuals come out of a chance to visit scenes where they can reject this tendency no less than a short timeframe. For example, there is a place called Soineya (actually, "a holiday together shop") where it can rest near the pretty ladies.