Know These Steps To Get Soft And Supple Skin

Flawless and baby soft skin is something we all desire. In order to achieve that, you need to make some changes in your beauty regime. Since our skin is fragile and sensitive, it needs to pampered and taken care of in the right manner. Apart from this, common factors like chemicals, pollution, overuse of make-up, etc., can lead to dull, rough and damaged skin.Here are some steps to get soft and supple skin.

Step 1: Use Creams: By this, we don't mean that merely using some creams will protect your skin. You have to use the creams made for different seasons because your skin requires special treatments depending on the season or climate. If you use the same summer cream during winter, it just won't work. Summer creams would be less moisturising than the winter creams and would not provide the moisturisation required for your skin during winter. Therefore buy creams that are suitable for the season.

Step 2: Regular Exfoliation: Exfoliation is important as it helps in removing the dead skin cells and maintaining a healthy skin. Along with that, it improves the blood circulation thus making the skin brighter. Exfoliating your skin at least once a week will help in making your skin smooth and soft. However, make sure that you do not overdo it, since it can wash away the natural oils on the skin leaving it dry.

Step 3: Apply Moisturising Cream:Moisturising cream is a basic skincare essential that one should have. After you cleanse your face in the morning apply some moisturiser and leave it on. This will protect your skin throughout the day from pollution, keep your skin soft and prevent it from drying. Also, apply some moisturiser before you go to bed every night.

Step 4: Do Not Skip Lip Balms: Our lip gets affected the most when there is a change in temperature or climate. The skin on our lips is so sensitive that it can get dry easily. So it is important to keep them moisturised throughout by applying a lip balm. Also, apply some before you go to bed every day. A wide variety of lip balms are available in the market, you can buy one according to your preference.

Step 5: Protect The Hands: Just like any other part of the body, it is necessary to keep the skin on our hands smooth and prevent it from drying. Exfoliation is the key to keep this issue away. Use home-made exfoliants once in a while to get smooth and soft hands. Also, moisturising it on a regular basis would help in maintaining a healthy skin.

Step 6: Drink Water: Taking care of the skin from outside will help in gaining a soft skin but not completely. Taking care of your skin internally is also equally important to get a clear skin. So in order to do that it is recommended to drink a minimum of 1.5 Litres of water every day to flush out the toxins and impurities which could otherwise affect the skin. Do this every day as you wake up and the results will be magical.

These are the steps to get soft and supple skin.