Homemade Overnight Skin Whitening Face Mask

1. Lemon and Milk Cream Face Mask for Even Complexion
Mix 1 tsp of dairy cream with few drops of lemon juice. Apply an even layer of this skin whitening face mask all over the face. Leave it on overnight and wash off with lukewarm water next morning.Milk cream contains natural fatty acids that moisturizes the skin deeply and provides glow and nourishment. Lemon juice helps to tone the skin while the citric acid present in it lightens the skin. When used regularly, this face mask helps to fade dark spots, acne scars and achieve even complexion.
2.Tomato and Coconut Milk Face Mask for Brighter Complexion
Take a small tomato and cut it into half. Take one half of the tomato and cut it into pieces. Put them in a blender and add 1/4th cup of coconut milk. Blend together to prepare the face mask.This skin whitening face mask will have slightly runny consistency. So, use a cotton ball to apply the face mask all over the face and leave it on overnight. Wash off with cold water next morning.
3.Lemon Juice and Almond Oil Face Mask to Lighten Marks and Pigmentation
Mix 1 tbsp each of lemon juice and almond oil and apply it all over the face with the help of a cotton ball. Now massage the mask on the face with your fingertips in gentle upward motion. Leave it on overnight and wash the face with plain water in the morning.
4.Chamomile Tea and Almond Oil Skin Whitening Face Mask
Take 2-3 tbsp of chamomile tea and 1 tsp of oatmeal. Mix together and add on 2 drops of almond oil and few drops of honey.Apply it on the face and leave it on overnight. Next morning, wash the face with cold water.This is one of the best face mask to achieve naturally fair and glowing skin in a short period of time. Chamomile tea is an excellent all-natural bleach that helps to even out skin tone and lighten acne scars, marks and dark spots.