A Top Secret of Glowing Skin

A shiny and glowing skin reflects your diet. This makes a lot of sense as your gut and skin have a strong inter-connected system. Bad eating habits are one of the causes of skin related problems. Therefore, it is important to understand that what you eat determines how healthy your skin looks.

How can You Improve the Health of Your Gut and Skin?

To improve the health of your gut and skin, you should take care of the following points:

Include Food that is Rich in antioxidant in Your Diet:

Food rich in antioxidants helps in reducing the effects of the free radicals on your body. Free radicals are the elements that can hamper the production of cells and thus affect the well-being of your health. Therefore, it is important that you include food rich in Vitamins A, C and E.
Vitamin A has a big influence on the conditioning of your skin and thus you should eat foods like carrots, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, mango, spinach and so on. Your gut turns the Vitamin A to carotid and when its quantity gets lesser, the health of your skin starts getting affected.
Vitamin C stimulate skin’s collagen production and makes your skin smooth, firmer and free from fine lines. Vitamin C possesses antioxidant properties which protects skin from free radicals mediated damage.

Eat a High Fiber Diet:

Eating a high fiber diet is another way to make sure that your gut and skin is healthy. Yes, you read it right! Since a fiber rich diet is mostly associated with diabetes, people often forget its other benefits.
Furthermore, such food sources flush out toxins as well, which helps in safeguarding your skin from inflammation and clogged pores. A naturally healthy gut will directly influence your skin’s glow as mentioned before. Therefore, it is imperative that you include food items rich in fiber in your diet. Apples, raspberries, whole wheat, legumes, beans, wholegrain bread and dark colored veggie are some of the top fiber rich foods that you can eat.

Avoid Processed Food as Much as Possible:

Eating processed food masses up the wellness of your body, and it has a very bad effect on your skin. Therefore, it is important to avoid it as much as possible. The highly refined sugar and grains affect the collage and elastic level in your skin, which controls the firmness and elasticity of the skin. This leads to wrinkles and premature sagging of your skin.

My Opinion

If you feel you are not getting enough nutrition through your diet, you can always take vitamin and mineral supplements to ensure your body has the nutrition that it needs. This is a healthy and easy way to take care of your skin and your gut at the same time!
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