Eat these 2 things to enhance the color of your face

If you really want to refine the color of your face then we are going to tell you that 2 things to eat. By eating them regularly, you can find amazing change in the color of your face.

Tomatoes- Tomatoes are rich in protein, vitamins, fats and they are very beneficial for health. Lycopene present in tomatoes is considered very good for skin. By consuming tomato daily, weight gets reduced, and the color of the face starts to shine.

Beetroot- Beetroot contains elements like vitamins, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, chlorine, iodine and iron. Its intake increases blood circulation and opens the cloased skin pores. Not only this, it is a great solution to get rid of any kind of skin problem.
Source- Dailyfacts website

These 4 things are very beneficial for your face

People use many cosmetic products on their face to enhance the glow of the face. But many times this products have the negative impact on the face. So here are 4 natural things that are very beneficial for your face to enhance the glow.
1. Turmeric: Applying turmeric on the face makes your skin bright and you will get a glowing skin. It is also possible to remove dark spots and pimples.
2. Raw milk: By applying raw milk on the face, the darkness of face is removed and the face slowly starts to glow. Apart from this raw milk is a great skin toner for women with oily skin.
3. Aloe vera: By applying aloe vera gel, the dark spots are removed from face and you will get a fresh and glowing face. In Aloe vera, antioxidants such as beta carotene, vitamins C and E help in maintaining elasticity in the skin. This will give you beautiful skin.
4. Besan: We have always been listening from our grandmother in our homes saying that if the we apply besan on the face then decrease begin to glow. Therefore, it is very useful to apply besan to enhance skin glow.
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