Golden Benefits of Drinking Milk Regularly

Milk is the staple food that you consume right after your done with your breakfast. Milk has a good source of calcium that can strengthen your bones too. Humans consume milk from many animals like goat, camel, sheep, but cow’s milk is said to be the healthiest among all.

Must Know Facts About Milk:

Why is consuming milk been treated as a major part of everyone’s breakfast? What is so special about this white liquid? Well here are some facts you need to know about consuming milk.
  • India is the largest producer of milk in the world
  • Drinking milk reduces stress and tiredness
  • Consuming one glass cold milk prevents acidity
  • One glass of milk a day can improve your body’s immunity
  • It helps in converting your food in energy.
  • June 1st of every year is usually celebrated as World Milk Day.

Healthy Benefits of Drinking Milk:

Milk has loads of health benefits that can do good to your body, but you need to know that not all foods have the nutrient-richness of what milk offers you.Here are some of the health benefits of drinking milk.

1.Good For Bones:

You need to have at least one glass of milk per day as this aids in healthy bones. This is because of the high source of calcium and nutrients, calcium, potassium and phosphorus found in milk. You need to know that about 99% of the calcium in your body is stored in your bones including your teeth.

2.Rich in Protein:

Milk is said to be rich in proteins and just one glass of milk consists of 8 grams of it. Another major protein boost that milk is offering you is that it offers you with all nine essential amino acids that are necessary for your body to keep functioning.

3.Fights Multiple Diseases:

Over the past twenty years, researchers have found that milk helps in preventing many diseases such as reducing your risks of having strokes and high blood pressure.Moreover, lactose helps your liver to reduce the production of cholesterol. This helps improve your vision and some types of cancer.

4.Stress Buster:

Milk is said to be the best stress buster because of its source of vitamins and minerals that it consists of. So if you have had a long day at work, all you need to do is to sit down and have a glass of milk and this will ease you. Milk soothes your muscles and nerves and makes you feel calm most often.

5.Helps in Strong Teeth:

Milk is said to strengthen your teeth because of its high source of calcium in it. Calcium is all that your teeth and bones need. Lactose also helps in preventing cavities and tooth decay. The calcium is absorbed by your body if your milk has some amount of vitamin D. So make sure you read the label behind and check the packet if the milk your buying has some vitamin D in it.

Milk and Lactose Intolerance:

Although milk has loads of health benefits for you, it may not be good for some. Some people develop lactose intolerance because they cannot digest lactose which is a sugar found in milk and other types of dairy products. 65% of the people in the world suffer from lactose intolerance. However, people who are suffering from lactose intolerance have opted for other non-dairy milk alternatives such as coconut milk, almond milk, cashew milk, hemp milk, oat milk and rice milk.
Consuming milk has a wide range of health benefits for you. Consuming cow’s milk over ordinary must be added into your regular diets. It advised that you consume low-fat milk, whole milk and skim milk over ordinary milk.
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