How long and how much time to build physical relationship, know the whole truth

We are going to tell you some truth related to relation. Today many questions arise in the minds of people regarding physical relation. The biggest question is how long and how often to make a connection.

how long

Talking about the time, from 5 minutes to 15 minutes there is enough to build relationships. In such a situation, both husband and wife are happy. Many people use medicine to increase the time. These medicines harm your body. Therefore, it should never be used to increase the time.

how many times

According to a survey, how many times the relationship should be made between husband and wife. Having a relationship with a person twice a week is a good marriage. But, you should not have a relationship every day. There are several disadvantages to do this.

If you want to increase men's strength, eat these 2 cheap things at night

Nowadays changing lifestyle, wrong eating habits, busiest routine, lack of nutrients in the food, stress, not enough sleep, smoking and alcohol are affecting the health of things. And because of this, men often have a problem of weakness at an early age. And many people become lean and weak at an early age. People also consume many medicines and protein powder to make the body strong and strong. But they have many side effects on the body. To make the body stronger and powerful again, today we will tell you two easy steps. Let's know. If you want to increase the strength of men, then eat these two cheap things every night.

Eat these two things

1. You have to take onion on daily basis while eating food. With an on-the-morning breakfast, eating together with lunch and eating on an onion dinner at night will increase your lost strength again. Amino acids, phosphorus, proteins and other nutrients found in onions help in making the body stronger. And eliminate physical weakness from the root. By taking onion the body will become stronger and powerful again. And there will be no side effects of any kind.

2. To restore the lost strength of the men, give 100 grams of celery soaked on a white onion juice overnight. And dry the celery in the sun in the morning. After drying, after soaking the celery in onion juice again dry it. Do this process three to four times. After this, grate the celery and grind it and make powder. And put it in a glass vial. You have to eat celery after dinner every night. And take half a teaspoon celery daily with lukewarm water. This will strengthen your digestive system. Hunger will increase. By which the body will become stronger and stronger again. And diseases that occur in men like premature ejaculation, impotence etc. will end.

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