If you want to show your eyes beautiful then surely this work will be available soon ...


Desk. Crying is also an action which has great benefits to our body. It comes to cry because of both physical or mental problems. Crying makes your mind light, but your eyes also become beautiful.

Crying is good for health. Whenever it comes to cry, it should not be stopped. There may be many diseases by doing this. Eyes are cleansed and eyes get relief.

Due to crying, the speed of breathing increases. Tear flows through the eyes of the glands. The person cries a lot until death, from the time of his birth.

If there is a crying process then the air is produced in the body. It can be removed only after crying in the body.

The dark circles under the eyes will be forever forever, if you do this before sleeping


The blonde and the beautiful face everyone likes, the people do not know what to do to make the face beautiful and fair, for that many types of creams in the market claim to make the face beautiful, but in them Due to the presence of chemicals, the facial color becomes even worse, due to the increased functioning and lack of sleep, dark circles under the eyes have become a common problem; They are going to tell a very simple recipe to overcome.


To make this recipe, you will need two such things, which are easily found in our homes; these two things are tomatoes and lemon; the method of making this recipe is also very easy, antioxidants in tomato and lemon. Extremely effective eliminate black skin.


To prepare this recipe, take out a tomatoes juice and mix well with a spoon lemon juice in it; Now place this mixture on dark circles under your eyes, and keep it for 15 minutes, keep it After that wash it with cold clean water, but the water should be normal cool not to the fridge, after washing your face, you go to bed, continuing like this for a few days, the black circles will end and face b The beauty will increase manifold