Interesting facts about the female body

1) Women form stronger attachments to other people
The reason is that women have a higher level of oxytocin. Oxytocin is the so-called love hormone. It promotes attachment, strengthens relationships and eases stress. Oxytocin is also responsible for creating connections between mother and child and even for breastfeeding.

2) Women get drunk faster
Women have less water in their tissues than men. What does it mean? Women get drunk faster than men because their bodies are less able to digest alcohol before it reaches the bloodstream.

3) Cellulite is the norm
First of all, cellulite is not a medical term, it is also not a sign of obesity of a mature woman. According to statistics, only one out of 40 women does not have such an accumulation of fat in the area of ​​the gluteus-femur.

4) Women are more rational
Despite the general opinion that women are more emotional, and men are more rational, the reality is completely opposite. The thick cortex was associated with higher scores for a variety of cognitive and general intelligence tests. And in women, the brain has a much thicker cortex than in men.