Will be fast in 3 days, mind will work, weak minded people must read

Hello friends welcome to our Muftgyanguruji.com. In time, due to the impact of the environment and the change in the drinking water, it also has adverse effects on the person's body. There are many people in today's times who earn some money after working hard all day, so many people are also those who only make a lot of money in just a few times. The biggest reason for this is the person's mind.

 Waking up early has various types of amazing benefits for our health as well as brain. These are some of the benefits of getting up early in the morning.


1. It helps to boost concentration level of our mind. It also increases blood circulation level in our brain.

2. We can try meditation in the early morning to provide oxygen to our brain for proper functioning. It also provides energy and stamina to do our daily routine. Waking up early is also very beneficial for our skin.
3. Getting up early helps us to build muscles and burn calories. Proper sleep is very important for a proper toned body. We should try to follow this time table strictly.
So these are some amazing benefits of getting up early in the morning.

These tips make memory stronger

As the age increases, the risk of diseases in the body also increases. One of the problems is that there is a weakness of memory ... sometimes you keep forgetting something or you wander around here to find that thing. If it is happening with you then be careful. Today, we are going to tell you some tips that you can use to strengthen your memory.
1- Many times the memory becomes weak due to lack of sleep. If you want to make your memory sharp, take full sleep. With the completion of sleep, the ability to learn new things of mind increases.
2- By taking tension, the hormone named cortisol is formed in the body. Which directly affects the memory. If you also want to strengthen your memory then tension is free.
3- Daily learning something new to increase memory. According to a research, learning about digital photography, driving, music, instead of easy tasks, memory becomes stronger and the brain is much faster.
4- If you want to sharpen your memory, then pay special attention to eating and drinking. Add green vegetables to your food. Besides, drink plenty of water. Consume things made from fish and fish oil in non-veg. This gives a lot of benefit to the brain.

Amazing benefits of getting up early in the morning

If a person's mind is fast, then he gets success early, but if a person's brain is weak, then he can not succeed even after hard work. That is why today we are going to tell you some such methods to speed up the brain. With the help of which you can sharpen your mind.

Basil plant

Basil plant is considered to be the most beneficial drug for the brain. Bold circulation in the heart and brain of the person increases in antioxidants present in Tulsi. Because of which the brain can work properly. When you wake up in the morning to chew the brain, chew the leaves of empty stomach 3 to 4 basil and chew it.


Cinnamon is always in every home kitchen. There is also a spice used as cinnamon spice, but many Ayurvedic properties are also present in cinnamon. Grate the cinnamon and make the cinnamon powder and keep it in a compartment. Before bedtime, add 1 to 2 pinch of cinnamon powder to one spoon of honey and drink it. This will reduce your brain tension and also increase the brain's powers.

sleep Proper time

It is also very important for the brain to get adequate comfort to work the brain properly. If a person takes 8 hours of sleep every day, then his brain gets sharp and there is also an increase in memory. That's why if you want to sharpen your mind, take at least 7-8 hours of sleep