3 Easy, Simple Everyday Eye Care Tips for Protecting Your Eyesight!

IPhone, iPad, Smart phone, Laptop are ruling us. The smart life is bombarding harmful rays on our eyes with no sparing time to care. So why not incorporate easy and simple eye care tips to protect our eyesight. The following healthy tips should be on your finger tips.

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Health Tip number 1

Fix an Appointment with your eye doctor

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How often have you visited an optometrist? No?! You might get number of healthy eye care tips all over but foremost important is: Visit an optometrist! Add this point to your to-do list to visit optometrist once in 6 months. With the upcoming advancement in diagnostic technology it has become easier to catch eye diseases at early stage. Do not ignore even slightest of eye complain such as dryness or watering eyes, redness or dimness of vision. Ensure you visit the doctor every six months.

Health tip number 2

Eat well

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Bugs Bunny loves carrots and so do your eyes. The colourful fruits and vegetables have the power to make your life filled with colours. They are power packed with anti-oxidants and vitamins required to prevent certain eye conditions. Consume them daily to keep your eyes healthy. It won’t take much of your time. Just grab a fresh carrot on the go and munch on it!

Make sure you add the following list of foods in your grocery list:

· Spinach, kale, lettuce, Cabbage

· Salmon, tuna, pomfrey, trout, mackerel

· Love berries? Add them all. Avoid them if you are allergic to some of them.

· Oranges, limes, lemon

· Broccoli

· Almonds, pistachios, walnuts

· Tomatoes, bell peppers, corn, pumpkin

· Flax seeds, sunflower seeds

If you are going to be a mom soon then you must include all the above mentioned foods for your little bundle of joy.

Health tip number 3

Invest rightly

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You might be spending many bills on dresses, shoes and bags. It is time to invest for eyes too. Your eyes deserve a perfect eye wear. Be it sun glasses or corrective glasses. Make sure they suit your eyes and do not hamper the eyesight. Sun glasses protect the eyes from the dangerous ultraviolet (UV) rays. As you get older your eyesight decreases. Glasses are no longer a geeky look. So be cool! Eye wears are in style. Don’t shy away from wearing them.

Protect your eyes by incorporating the easy 3 healthy eye care tips. So just open your healthy eyes and look how beautiful the life is!