9 strange reasons that someone falls in love with you

Being in love is a super-happy feeling, but why does someone fall in love with you? There are actually several scientific reasons for this.

The newspaper 'Independent' has produced nine reasons why people fall in love.

1. If you're playing elusive

In one experiment it turned out that men who chose a woman as their speed dating partner wanted her more if she seemed uninterested in their questions. But they also liked her less because of it - love is simply complicated.

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2. If you use the right facial expression

In a study, researchers came to the conclusion that men and women ranked persons of the opposite sex as more or less attractive when they expressed different emotions. Women were seen as most attractive when you were happy and least attractive when they looked proud. For the men's part, it was the opposite. Interestingly, shame was seen as quite attractive in both men and women.

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3. If you are similar to their current or former partner

Women have a greater tendency to have a certain "type" than men are. This meant that women in a survey felt more attracted to faces reminding them of their current or former partner. Men felt the same thing, but not as much as women.

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4. If you use a lot of hand movements

Body language is an important part of attraction. During a speed dating experiment, the researchers noticed that it was twice as likely that someone wanted to see a partner again if the person used a lot of hand movements. So simply pick up the space around you.

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5. If you are real, really like them

The saying "opposites attract each other" is actually not at all true it turns out. People who are alike are more likely to feel the same about their everyday life. It also becomes easier to understand their partner's feelings and reactions, which is good for the relationship.

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6. If you share their enthusiasm

When two people have different interests, one can choose to either share enthusiasm with the person's interests, even though it is not one's own primary interest. In a survey made on couples who differed after six years, the individuals had responded to the other's enthusiasm in 33 percent of the cases, while those still married after six years responded to their partner in 87 percent of cases.

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7. If you smell right

Research has shown that some women prefer men with a higher degree of testosterone when ovulating, and also become more attracted to men with a marked jaw line during the same period.

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8. If you take care of a dog

A survey of 100 women showed that women, when they read a description of a man, in most cases ranked a person who owned a dog as a more appropriate partner for longer relationships . According to the researchers, a pet suggests to many that the person is more mature, takes responsibility and is ready for longer commitments.

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9. If you are as good-looking or less good-looking than them

People who were ranked by others as very attractive were more often dissatisfied with dating, but this was just something they knew. We others who may not be extremely attractive usually prefer a person who is as attractive as ourselves.

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