Top 10 quotes on power of discipline and self control

1. If you want to increase your ability to face and overcome challenges in life then make strengthening your self discipline a priority. It is achieved by practicing.

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2. Self control is always obtain when you start to focus on your breath for sometime. It gives you a gap in between decision and excitement.

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3. Sometime we face many emotions in our mind. It can be of love, jealousy, kindness, gratitude, hatred and attachment but at that time when you have the practice of self control and discipline then you become a master of your emotions.

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4. One half of life is luck. The other half is discipline and that's the important half because without discipline you wouldn't know what to do with your luck.

5. Self discipline begins with the mastery of your thoughts. If you don't control what you think. You can't control what you do.

6. Self discipline is about controlling your desires and impulses while staying focused on what needs to get done to achieve your goal.

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7. Your ability to listen to and take action based on your inner voice, regardless of how you feel, other influences, temptations you face- is the key to self mastery.

8. When you are a disciplined person. It does not mean that you do your all work at time. It simply means that you are ready to follow your inner sound.

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9. Self respect in the root of the discipline. The sense of dignity grows with the ability to say no to oneself.

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10. You always get this power of discipline and self control only by practising which makes you a stronger and happy person in your life.