6 EASY and guaranteed ways to stop your skin from breaking out for good

Breakouts into pimples are one of the most annoying things most people face. Here's how to stop your skin from breaking out for good. 
6 EASY and guaranteed ways to stop your skin from breaking out for good

When the skin produces oil and sweat, it leads to breakouts in the form of pimples. The sweat and oil tends to clog the pores, accumulate dirt and dust and making it weak and dirty. Like you keep cleaning out your wardrobe your face also regularly needs to be cleaned and washed out for it to be at its best. Follow these five easy steps to ensure your skin is breakout free all the time. 


Sunscreen has thick formula which tends to clog the pores, closing them up completely. But this does not mean sun screen should be skipped. It just means that you need to opt for a thinner formula or pick out a lightweight moisturiser which also contains SPF in it. 

Stop touching your faceYou hands come in contact with the worst bacteria all through the day. Constantly touching your face can lead to breakouts since all the bacteria and germs from your hands are getting transferred to your face through constant interaction. 

Keep hair off your face

Like the skin, hair to contains a lot of bacteria which when comes in contact with your face can get transferred on to it. It is best to keep the hair off your face when possible. Opt for fashionable options like hair bands, barrettes, etc. to keep hair at bay from your face. 

RetinolOne of the most powerful acne-fighting tropical treatments, this ensures that acne gets rid forever. They do make your skin photosensitive but if you are smart about sun protection and sunscreen, its going to do wonders to your skin. 

Keep the face clean

Even if you are unable to do everything else above, always ensure your face is clean. Wash it off as soon as you get home and never ever sleep with a full face of makeup. It is a must to wash your face at least twice everyday irrespective of your skin type. If you have oily skin, you will need to increase the number of times you wash it to avoid build up of oil which clogs the pores. 

TonerToners are usually harsh on the skin since they have astringents in them. Washing your face does not completely get rid of the clogged pores, dirt and grime and this is where the toner comes in. It helps get rid of leftover makeup, removes dead skin cells and lets the pores breathe.